When Amos ‘n’ Andy first came to radio in 1928, no one realized what a truly popular radio show would be like. Businesses everywhere felt the sting if they did not have a radio so that their patrons would not miss an episode. From a modern perspective the show seems racially insensitive because it is based on a pair of white actors playing “black-faced” parts. However, for the time it was just considered great entertainment. Click here to read more about Amos And Andy Show
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Please enjoy these 332 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
10.14.1951 | trip to brazil |
+ With every wife her husband’s friends have always been a bone of contention and for years Sapphi... | |
10.21.1951 | de piesters party |
+ Like all women the Kingfish’s mother-in-law is anxious for her daughter and son-in-law to get in... | |
10.28.1951 | engaged to susan bennett |
+ Andrew H. Brown is engage again. How did it all happen? It started about two weeks ago on a lovely... | |
11.04.1951 | new boarder chester benson |
+ For the past three weeks the Kingfish’s mother-in-law has established what seems to be a permane... | |
11.11.1951 | sapphire looking for romance |
+ In the past week the subject of romance came up twice at the home of George Kingfish Stevens and h... | |
11.25.1951 | sapphires sister moves in |
+ This evening the Kingfish, Sapphire and Mama have decided to spend a quiet evening at home. Right ... | |
12.02.1951 | new neighbors |
+ One of the great American family games is guessing what the new neighbors are going to be like. We... | |
12.09.1951 | wedding invitation mixup |
+ Our friend Andrew H. Brown recently decided to improve himself. He went down to the local high sch... | |
12.16.1951 | breaking up andy and madame queen |
+ A week ago Andy Brown was all set to marry Teresa Tomkins a young and pretty schoolteacher. Everyt... | |
12.23.1951 | andy plays santa claus | ||
12.30.1951 | porch wreckers |
+ During the holidays we all like to have our families around us to share the festive occasion and t... | |
02.03.1952 | the piggy bank | ||
05.11.1952 | may and december | ||
06.30.1952 | kingfish adopts a great dane | ||
08.18.1952 | kingfish buys a race horse | ||
10.12.1952 | long lost husband |
+ When Kingfish tells his wife he can go out and earn $500 like that he can’t believe his luck whe... | |
10.19.1952 | jobs as office cleaners | ||
10.26.1952 | leroys oil stock | ||
11.02.1952 | aunt harriet visits | ||
11.16.1952 | 10000th show | ||
12.28.1952 | old mink stole | ||
02.01.1953 | mama and percival jackson | ||
02.22.1953 | andys photo in detective magazine |
+ Everything is quiet this evening at the home of George Kingfish Stevens and his wife sapphire. The... | |
03.08.1953 | mystic knights convention in los angeles | ||
03.15.1953 | madam queens chauffeur |
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