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Happy birthday, Tony Barrett! Barrett was a radio and TV actor turned TV writer later in his career. As a character actor he appeared in shows such as This Is Your FBI, The Tales of the Texas Rangers, Suspense and Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar.
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Barrett, Tony Born in New York City 5/24/1916; died 11/16/1974 of cancer in Los Angeles, California. One of three actors to play Biff Bradley on the NBC-Radio soap, Pepper Young's Family (1932-1959).
Charles Dyer on the CBS-Radio soap, This Life Is Mine (1943-1945). Shorty on Boston Blackie for NBC-Radio (1944). One of two actors to play the spirit George Kirby on The Adventures Of Topper for NBC-o (1945). Ned on the NBC-Radio audition program, June's My Girl (1948). Breck Manzeer on Steve Canyon for CBS-Radio (1948). Mark Donovan on the syndicated radio program, The Adventures Of Frank Race (1949-1950). Captain Stinson on Tales Of The Texas Rangers for NBC- Radio (1950-1952). Detective Lieutenant Ed Ledis on Defense Attorney for ABC-Radio (1951-1952).
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It was somewhere erroneously published that Tony was Captain Stinson but that is not so. I first noticed his voice as a punk thug character on Tales of the Texas Rangers, the most chilling example came in "Breakdown,: Episode #34.
That was my favorite serial when I first got into OTR, and he was my favorite voice. He played many ethnic characters (and of
course the Brooklyn guy as in Frank race" but also many Hispanic roles and even a couple of black characters. I began noticing him on many other programs. I noticed that Tony Barret was the first guest star listed on just about every single episode of TTR... Captain Stinson appeared in only a handful of episodes. And then it struck me... not only did he portraya variety of characters, incling mutilple characters in the same episode... HE WAS THE OPENING NARRATOR of every episode, setting up the scene. Amazing voice talent.
Lloyd Oliver
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