Captain Midnight was an aviation adventure fantasy that gained notoriety during the late 1930’s. Written by Robert M. Burtt and Willfred G. Moore, this series was initially broadcasted over the WGN network in Chicago and sponsored by the Skelly Oil Company. The show caught the eye of executives at Ovaltine, and they took this old time radio program to Mutual Network in order to reach a wider market. What started off as a simple narration of a fictional World War I hero named Captain Jim “Red” Albright (portrayed by Bill Bouchey on WGN and later by Ed Prentiss on Mutual) soon morphed into something much bigger than anyone could have ever anticipated. A historic icon was born in the golden age of radio-- the masked crusader, “Captain Midnight”. Before long, millions were avidly following the exploits of the secret agent and his band of merry followers that took each listener to exotic places around the globe. From aerial dogfights to shadowing the slums of the underworld, Captain Midnight together with the ever-faithful Chuck Ramsey and Patsy Donovan (who was later replaced by Joyce Ryan) gave chase to evil-doers and brought them to justice. In a time that was rife with the smell of gunpowder and the threat of war, this old radio show injected a sense of levity and normalcy to the populace. Dive into a world of adventure by enjoying Captain Midnight today! Click here to read more about Captain Midnight
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Please enjoy these 135 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
04.21.1947 | we who are about to die | ||
02.16.1943 | trapped by the nazis |
+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. Captain Midnight and the Secret Squadron are out of gas and trapped by the ... | |
03.12.1947 | the slave smugglers |
+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. Captain Midnight is disguised as "Shelby," and is planning a trip to "namel... | |
04.12.1943 | the silver dagger strikes |
+ Sponsored by: Ovaltine. Captain Midnight and all his friends have been convicted of treason by the... | |
04.09.1943 | the silver dagger strikes |
+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. The Nazi Count Raddick has demanded that the British and The Secret Squadro... | |
05.26.1943 | the secret squadron strikes |
+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. The Nazis plan to use their secret weapon to win the war. Captain Midnight ... | |
06.09.1941 | the secret squadron attacks sharks submarine |
+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. The Secret Squadron is about to attack Ivan Shark's submarine, but when the... | |
12.08.1948 | the return of ivan shark |
+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. The Captain and the Secret Squadron are in a tree surround by hostile | |
10.09.1943 | the philippines fight on |
+ Sponsored by: Ovaltine. Captain Midnight and The Secret Squadron dodge two flights of Japanese Zer... | |
04.07.1947 | the map of mystery |
+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. The dead body of Ivan Shark is used as a trap for the Secret Squadron. Capt... | |
03.26.1948 | the jewels of the queen of sheba |
+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. The Captain downs the enemy after furious dogfight. A "Secret Squadron Sign... | |
01.02.1940 | the hacienda is ours | ||
N/A | the flying ruby |
+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. A huge ruby and a model airplane have been stolen. What's the connection? A... | |
01.20.1944 | the dive bombers fight |
+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. The Secret Squadron's dive bombers and Flying Fortresses fight a terrific a... | |
12.04.1939 | successful takeoff |
+Sponsored by: Skelgas Natural Gas and Kitchen Ranges (dinnerware premium). Chuck manages the very d... | |
05.14.1947 | stolen star |
+ Sponsored by: Ovaltine (shake-up mug premium). A plane has been forced down in a Mexican jungle an... | |
12.02.1943 | signal from the sky |
+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. Joyce has a developed a bad ankle as they approached a native Mission in Ne... | |
10.01.1940 | shark tries to destroy the group |
+ Sponsored by: Ovaltine. The second show of the series. Captain Midnight takes control of the Secre... | |
01.10.1949 | secret submarine base |
+Sponsored by: Ovaltine commercial partially deleted (Key-A-Matic Code-A-Graph). The partial first c... | |
01.24.1944 | prisoner of the japs |
+ Sponsored by: Ovaltine. Captain Midnight and Ichabod are pulled out of the water and taken prisone... | |
09.30.1940 | premiere 3rd season mutual network |
+ Sponsored by: Ovaltine. The first show of the series on Mutual. Previously, the program was syndic... | |
03.29.1939 | photographic mission | ||
N/A | phantom rustler |
+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. The Captain has deliberately crashed his plane in order to trick a gang of ... | |
11.13.1939 | patsy and chuck explore the cave |
+ Sponsored by: Skelly Oil (Mexican Jumping Beans premium). Patsy, Chuck, and Pebbles explore deeper... | |
03.27.1940 | mysterious voice ep33of33 |
+Sponsored by: Skelly Oil (model airport premium). Captain Midnight does one of the commercials! Iva... |
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