Created by Raymond Morgan and Harry Earnshaw, Chandu the Magician was one of the longest-running adventure serials that aired on the radio. The show was first heard in the 1930s, and was revived in 1948. Both the original and the revived versions of Chandu the Magician were sponsored by White King soap.
In the original version, the role of American-born Frank Chandler was played by Gayne Whitman. He was an American born boy who renamed himself Chandu after finding out occult secrets from an Indian yogi. He had quite a few number of supernatural skills such as teleportation and the capability of creating illusions. The main goal of Chandu was to defeat the wickedness that threatens mankind. On the other hand, Tom Collins played the role of Chandu in the revival of the series. Chandu had a nemesis named Roxor which was played by Luis Van Rooten. Starting from being a 15-minute weekly serial, it became a half hour show. The show came to an end by September 6, 1950.
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Please enjoy these 310 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
07.01.1948 | chandu (004) off to egypt aka in alexandria |
+ Program #4. . Sponsored by: White King Soap. Chandu travels to Egypt in a twinkling, where a baza... | |
06.30.1948 | chandu (003) psychic summons |
+Program #3. . Sponsored by: White King Soap. Is Robert Reagent still alive? The crystal ball shows... | |
06.29.1948 | chandu (002) regent's secret aka secret papers missing |
+Program #2. . Sponsored by: White King Soap. Frank has returned from the Orient and with his siste... | |
06.28.1948 | chandu (001) chandler returns |
+Program #1. . Sponsored by: White King Soap. Chandler mysteriously travels fifty miles in five min... | |
09.13.1935 | chandu (xxx) ruby mine in burma |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
08.08.1935 | chandu (xxx) chandu victorious |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
08.07.1935 | chandu (xxx) clash of the wizards |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
08.06.1935 | chandu (xxx) a message in code |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
08.05.1935 | chandu (xxx) marshall is captured |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
08.02.1935 | chandu (xxx) beware of vitrius |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
08.01.1935 | chandu (xxx) the devious plot |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
07.31.1935 | chandu (xxx) rescued again |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
07.30.1935 | chandu (xxx) a mental picture |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
07.23.1935 | chandu (xxx) the palace of the secret star |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
07.18.1935 | chandu (xxx) wilson's mission |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
07.17.1935 | chandu (xxx) the awakening |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
07.16.1935 | chandu (xxx) the power of chandu |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
07.15.1935 | chandu (xxx) rescued |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
07.12.1935 | chandu (xxx) another encounter |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
07.11.1935 | chandu (xxx) reunited |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
07.09.1935 | chandu (xxx) the cave |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
07.07.1935 | chandu (xxx) desertion |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
07.06.1935 | chandu (xxx) the search for nadji |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
07.04.1935 | chandu (xxx) vindion strikes |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... | |
07.03.1935 | chandu (xxx) the footprint |
+ Chandu The Magician was both one of the first great juvenile adventure shows and one of the last. ... |
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