Aired 1935 - 1954, Jungle Jim is a 15 minute weekly serial based on the comic strip by Alex Raymond. Click here to read more about Jungle Jim
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Please enjoy these 503 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
11.23.1935 | jungle jim (004) reverend chalmers escapes |
+ This fifteen minute juvenile adventure show, based on the Alex Raymond comic strip in Hearst’s C... | |
11.16.1935 | jungle jim (003) a woman of mystery (shanghai lil) |
+ This fifteen minute juvenile adventure show, based on the Alex Raymond comic strip in Hearst’s C... | |
11.09.1935 | jungle jim (002) a fight to the finish |
+ This fifteen minute juvenile adventure show, based on the Alex Raymond comic strip in Hearst’s C... |
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