+Marco Polo, this was an Australian BBC production. Not a whole lot is known about this show though as far as production, syndication, etc. It's great when you can listen to and enjoy a great old time radio show, and learn something at the same time! Somehow you don't feel so guilty about it. Marco Polo was one of 3 who made the journey to Mongolia, and met the Kublai Khan. And it was Marco Polo who gained his trust, and became an invaluable part of the Khan's entourage. Like most serials, each show builds upon the previous show. In the case of Adventures Of Marco Polo, not only did they build on the previous episode, they made the cliffhanger endings so good, you couldn't wait for the next episode. Each show is about 12-13 minutes long, and it is in a serial type format. There are 50 episodes on this disc. The episodes are approx. 15 minutes each.
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Please enjoy these 50 old time radio episodes:
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