Air Adventures of Jimmy Allen (alternate spelling: Jimmie Allen), as the title suggests, was an adventure series written by Bob Burtt and Bill Moore. It aired for 15-minutes during its run from 1933 to 1947. Initially, the series was heard in local radio stations only—WDAF, KLZ, and KVOO in Kansas City, Denver, and Tulsa, respectively—before being aired on various recording studios in Chicago, New York, and Hollywood.
The series featured the story of the title character, 16-year old Jimmy Allen and his adventures (which were all dangerous as described) throughout the world via his plane. Along with him were his best bud Speed Robertson, and the mechanic Flash Lewis. Forty-year old John Frank played the role of the teenager Allen. 1936 through 1937, as transcribed and syndicated by Skelly Oil. This series features adventures about Allen (a 16-year old pilot) and his pal Shelby Storck.
When the show's popularity started to wane in the late 1930s, Burtt and Moore began focusing on their new creation—another pilot boy called Captain Midnight. Click here to read more about Air Adventures Of Jimmie Allen, The
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Please enjoy these 129 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
N/A | episode 1128 lays ground rules down for rags |
+ Program #1128. World Broadcasting System syndication. Jimmie has a confrontation with Rags Johns... | |
N/A | episode 1129 engine trouble |
+ Program #1129. World Broadcasting System syndication. The qualifying speed for the race is 600 ... | |
N/A | episode 1130 wings votes against jimmies second chance |
+ Program #1130. World Broadcasting System syndication. Wings Wagner wants Jimmie to be disqualifi... | |
N/A | episode 0016 gun moll mickey |
+ Program #16. World Broadcasting System syndication. Music fill for local commercial insert. Gun mo... |
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