Perry Mason was a 15-minute radio drama series that aired on CBS Radio on October 18, 1943. It featured different actors—Barlett Robinson, Santos Ortega, Donald Briggs, and John Larkin—as the lead character Perry Mason, a defense lawyer. Mason's secretary Della Street, on the other hand, was portrayed by Gertrude Warner, Jan Miner, and Joan Alexander.
The series was adapted into a television show entitled Edge of Night, which ran for three decades. The radio show ended on December 30, 1955, after over 3,000 episodes. Click here to read more about Perry Mason
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Please enjoy these 255 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
08.03.1954 | perry mason (2842) gus at perry's office |
+An unpleasant man offers to alibi for Kate Beekman for "compensation." Perry Mason suspects it's a ... | |
08.02.1954 | perry mason (2841) at the city jail |
+ Ed Beekman is depressed and angry to learn about Kate's arrest. Lieutenant Halvorson questions Pud... | |
07.30.1954 | perry mason (2840) perry talks with kate |
+As Kate goes off to jail, Perry Mason believes Lieutenant Halvorson "has a heart." The body of the ... | |
07.29.1954 | perry mason (2839) mr apt talks to kate |
+Despite the pressure from the District Attorney, Kate Beekman continues to maintain her innocence. ... | |
07.28.1954 | perry mason (2838) the line up |
+Kate Beekman is identified from the line-up. Perry Mason arrives at the station house. The body of ... | |
07.27.1954 | perry mason (2837) at precinct 13 |
+The District Attorney questions Kate Beekman and tries to get her confused. He plans to put her thr... | |
07.26.1954 | perry mason (2836) kate in custody |
+Kate Beekman is taken off to the District Attorney with unusual tenderness from Lieutenant Halvorso... | |
07.23.1954 | perry mason (2835) halverson at della's apartment |
+Kate Beekman is told that she's wanted for murder. She runs off to hide in a church bell tower. Lie... | |
07.22.1954 | perry mason (2834) mr apt calls a press conference |
+The District Attorney calls a press conference to ridicule Perry Mason and accue Kate Beekman of th... | |
07.21.1954 | perry mason (2833) drake gets orders from perry |
+Gus tips the District Attorney that Kate Beekman is hiding out in Perry Mason's apartment. The Dist... | |
07.20.1954 | perry mason (2832) perry with mr apt |
+ Perry Mason tells the District Attorney that he doesn't know where Kate Beekman is. The D. A. is s... | |
07.19.1954 | perry mason (2831) halverson at beekman house |
+The District Attorney believes all the lies told by Toni Facina and orders Kate Beekman brought in.... | |
07.16.1954 | perry mason (2830) kate, della and tony with mr apt |
+Tonia Facina, at the District Attorney's office, now believes that Kate planned the murder and had ... | |
07.15.1954 | perry mason (2829) tony goes to the da |
+Perry Mason meets Jake's wife in the park. Perry wants her to help him force the District Attorney ... | |
07.14.1954 | perry mason (2828) perry at the funeral |
+Gus prompts Toni Facina about what to say in order to convict Kate Beekman. They discuss what to sa... | |
07.13.1954 | perry mason (2827) gus works on tony |
+Toni Facina seems eager for Kate Beekman to get "the chair" for murdering Gordy. Perry Mason accuse... | |
07.12.1954 | perry mason (2826) gus influencing tony |
+Perry Mason decides to force the District Attorney "out in the open." Toni Facina has been drinking... | |
07.09.1954 | perry mason (2825) kate and della with tony |
+Tonia Facina tells Gus that she'd like Ed Beekman to go to "the chair." Gus has some "routine paper... | |
07.08.1954 | perry mason (2824) halverson and tony talk |
+Toni Facina continues to tell lies about Kate Beekman. Perry Mason asks Kate who disliked her at th... | |
07.07.1954 | perry mason (2823) halverson talks to faustina |
+ Lieutenant Halvorson questions Toni Facina about the death of Gordy Weber. She tells lies about Ed... | |
07.06.1954 | perry mason (2822) mr apt gloats to halverson |
+Perry Mason has a confrontation with the District Attorney. Perry thinks the District Attorney has ... | |
07.05.1954 | perry mason (2821) della talks with kate |
+ Della Steet asks Kate Beekman to write down everything she can remember from the nightclub. Jimmy ... | |
07.02.1954 | perry mason (2820) jimmy and marion |
+ Jimmy Mitchell and his fiance visit the District Attorney. They identify Ed Beekman as the man who... | |
07.01.1954 | perry mason (2819) jake visits perry |
+Perry Mason chats with Jake Jacobson of "The Daily Blade." Jake then visits the District Attorney a... | |
06.30.1954 | perry mason (2818) ed tells what happened |
+Ed Beekman admits to Perry Mason that he really didn't kill Gordy. Jimmy Mitchell saw Kate Beekman ... |
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