Big Town was a reporter-type crime drama series that aired from 1937 to 1952. It told the story of Steve Wilson and his search for truth and justice. The role was first given to Edward Robinson, who was in the show until 1942, then to Edward Pawley from 1943 to 1951, and finally to Walter Greaza. Wilson's leading lady Lorelei Kilbourne, on the other hand, was played by Claire Trevor. Ona Munson and Fran Carlon were also casted as Lorelei in the show's later episodes.
In its 15-year run, the show was able to attract as much as 20 million listeners, making it one of the best crime drama series ever heard on the radio. In fact, due to its success, television, film (there were four), and comic book adaptations were made, and all proved to be equally successful.
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Please enjoy these 42 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
01.18.1949 | big town (463) a date with death |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy, Rinso. The misguided sister of a sick boy finds herself behind the wheel o... | |
01.25.1949 | big town (464) the fatal fix |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso ("Tour The World" contest). "Willy The Weep" sees a young girl ... | |
02.01.1949 | big town (465) murder in the snow |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Snow, Rinso. Screen star Linda Lane is going to tell the grand jury what sh... | |
02.08.1949 | big town (466) death at the wheel |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap ("tour the world" premium), Rinso. Bill Smith was a reckless driver. A... | |
02.15.1949 | big town (467) the prisoner's song |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso. Johnny Young's going to burn in the "chair" tonight. It's up t... | |
02.22.1949 | big town (468) the charity killers |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso ("Tour The World" contest). Two old ladies practice grand larce... | |
03.01.1949 | big town (469) the fatal joke |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso. "Babe" Barton, the widow of "Joker" Barton, is fresh out of ja... | |
03.08.1949 | big town (470) the crooked eye (aka fatal eye ) |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso. An expose of the fake detective racket. A crooked private eye ... | |
03.15.1949 | big town (471) the shiny gun |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso. A young boy shoots his friend while playing with his father's ... | |
03.22.1949 | big town (472) the deadly summons |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso. Elizabeth Blake has been killed in an accidental fall down a f... | |
03.29.1949 | big town (473) chill of death |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso. There's a chill wind of death coming down from the ... | |
04.05.1949 | big town (474) the deadly gimmick of the squeaking rat (aka tcot squeaking rat; the singing rat) |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso. Racketeer Lawler offers to give the Illustrated Press the scoo... | |
04.12.1949 | big town (475) tcot lonely heart |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso. Aunt Agatha Adams disappears after joining a lonely hearts clu... | |
04.19.1949 | big town (476) tcot iron fist |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso. Anton Broder, the editor of a small foreign language weekly in... | |
04.26.1949 | the hunter |
+ Wealthy playboy George Martin has been killed while hunting, but it was no accident. AFRS program ... | |
05.03.1949 | big town (478) fatal alibi |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso. Rip Rawson has knifed a truck driver on the docks. Sam miller ... | |
05.10.1949 | big town (479) confession (bad rep nightclub owner offers steve wilson exclusive story & tape of a murder) |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso (sauce pan premium). Nightclub comic Mike Evans has been shot a... |
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