Big Town was a reporter-type crime drama series that aired from 1937 to 1952. It told the story of Steve Wilson and his search for truth and justice. The role was first given to Edward Robinson, who was in the show until 1942, then to Edward Pawley from 1943 to 1951, and finally to Walter Greaza. Wilson's leading lady Lorelei Kilbourne, on the other hand, was played by Claire Trevor. Ona Munson and Fran Carlon were also casted as Lorelei in the show's later episodes.
In its 15-year run, the show was able to attract as much as 20 million listeners, making it one of the best crime drama series ever heard on the radio. In fact, due to its success, television, film (there were four), and comic book adaptations were made, and all proved to be equally successful.
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Please enjoy these 42 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
10.19.1937 | wilson is shot |
+ Sponsored by: Rinso. The first show of the series. Steve Wilson is portrayed as a throughly unplea... | |
10.26.1937 | Big Town (002) Fire Trap |
+ Sponsored by: Rinso. The Illustrated Press is being sued for libel by William Harding. Lorelei has... | |
10.14.1938 | the big town (xx) poultry racket (rehearsal) |
+ Sponsored by: Rinso. Rehearsal. Crusading Steve Wilson turns chicken inspector and breaks up a pou... | |
06.30.1939 | the big town (xx) reform school (rehearsal) |
+ Rehearsal. The last show of the season. Bobby Warner is sent to reform school when his mother is ... | |
01.02.1940 | Big Town (098) Deep Death | ||
03.26.1940 | Big Town Death Rides The Highway |
+ Sponsored by: Rinso. Who is the unknown driver who caused a truck to crash into a school bus? The ... | |
12.11.1940 | big town (131) every 18 hours (aka after 18 hours) [tragic effects of reckless driving] |
+ Steve Wilson and The Illustrated Press go on a crusade against hit-and-run drivers. The date is su... | |
05.14.1942 | big town (192) occupied paris |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso. Steve and Lorelei find a corpse in a cheap hotel and a six-foo... | |
09.05.1942 | occupied paris | ||
09.14.1948 | big town (447) blind justice |
+ Fearing the racketeers behind a brutal gang killing of a construction foreman may not know the onl... | |
09.21.1948 | big town (448) the final payment |
+ Learning that an obituary racket is being worked in Big Town Steve Wilson has set a trap by having... | |
09.28.1948 | big town (449) the trap (steve used as bait in a political murder) |
+ Steve Wilson has been drawn in to a deadly trap set by a vengeful killer on |
10.12.1948 | big town (451) double murder |
+ Few men are capable of murdering a woman and if the attempt fails the would-be killer must strike ... | |
10.19.1948 | big town (452) the angel of the street |
+ "The Angel Of The Street". Sponsored by: Lifebuoy, Rinso (Mercury-A-Day contest). "Violet, a lady... | |
11.09.1948 | big town (453) the fatal chain |
+ "The Fatal Chain". Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap. A false bank guard pulls a payroll robbery and sh... | |
11.16.1948 | big town (454) death by plan |
+ "Death By Plan". Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso (Mercury-A-Day contest). Greg Barton strangle... | |
11.23.1948 | big town (455) the deadly doll |
+ Most criminals pay for their crime one way or another. Some pay in prison stretches five, ten and ... | |
11.30.1948 | big town (456) i remember murder |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy, Rinso. A band-leader steals $50,000 from The High Hatters Club and leaves ... | |
12.07.1948 | big town (457) tcot lost and found |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso. Dick Rutter, the star reporter of a competing paper, disappear... | |
12.14.1948 | big town (458) deadline at dawn |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso. A protection mob is moving into the produce markets of Big Tow... | |
12.21.1948 | big town (459( prelude to christmas |
+ Sponsored by: Rinso, Lifebuoy. "The story of a child's simple faith." This is the story of the et... | |
12.28.1948 | big town (460) the dangerous resolution |
+ Sponsored by: Rinso, Lifebuoy. When a man plans a New Years resolution to quit the rackets deadly... | |
01.04.1949 | the mask of evil |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy Soap, Rinso. Mystery writer Hannah Harper, and her nervous companion, summo... | |
01.11.1949 | big town (462) nightmare house |
+ Sponsored by: Lifebuoy, Rinso. Bill and Helen Barton have a new house on "Honeymoon Hill." The cro... | |
N/A | big town (xxx) teenage terror (aka teenage drug seller) |
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