+ Counterspy was an espionage drama radio series that aired on the NBC Blue Network (later the ABC) and Mutual from May 18, 1942 to November 29, 1957. David Harding (Don MacLaughlin) was the chief of the United States Counterspies, a unit engaged during World War II in counterespionage against Japan's Black Dragon and Germany's Gestapo. With spies still lurking in the post-war years, as well as the Communist threat, the adventures continued apace well after World War II ended. Scriptwriters for the series included Milton J. Kramer, Emile C. Tepperman and Stanley Niss.-WikiPedia Click here to read more about Counterspy
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Please enjoy these 71 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
N/A | counterspy the nazi radio station |
+ In Washington, Brigadier General Whitcombe is sitting in his private office at a large oak desk. S... | |
06.08.1942 | the washington woman spy |
+Blue Network. "Cherchez la Femme". A wealthy businessman in Washington, D.C. commits suicide after... | |
06.22.1942 | counterspy nazis from mexico |
+Blue Network. Sponsored by: Sustaining, Bulova Watch (local). Enemies spies are parachuting into Am... | |
09.14.1942 | counterspy spy submarine logansport |
+Blue net, WJZ, New York aircheck. "The Case Of The Loganberry Point Spy". A German-American widowe... | |
12.14.1942 | counterspy german spies |
+Blue Network. "The Case Of The Industrial Spy Ring". The wife of Henry Hughes accuses him of being... | |
03.01.1943 | counterspy 43 03 01 the nazi radio station | ||
06.13.1945 | counterspy washington woman spy |
+Blue Network. "Cherchez la Femme". Sponsored by: Mail Pouch Tobacco. A wealthy businessman in Washi... | |
06.20.1945 | explosive dog |
Two weeks ago Charles Pearce a man in his early thirties, immaculately dressed, slight with piercing... | |
07.25.1945 | counterspy explosive dog aka the case of the bug of dynamite |
+ "The Case Of The Dog Of Dynamite". Sponsored by: Fresh Deodorant. The former commander of all Ges... | |
07.27.1946 | counterspy stolen car racket (rehearsal) | ||
07.28.1946 | the stolen car racketeers |
+ "The Case Of The Stolen Car Racket". Sponsored by: Old Nick Candy, Bit O' Honey Candy. A rehearsa... | |
10.23.1947 | rehearsal | ||
05.23.1948 | the housing racket | ||
05.30.1948 | the camera happy crook |
+"The Camera-Happy Crooks". A movie company comes to a small town in Pennsylvania to re-enact a fam... | |
06.06.1948 | the recruited nurse | ||
02.22.1949 | counterspy mexican rancho |
+ "The Case Of The Mexican Rancho". Sponsored by: Pepsi-Cola, Cheerios. The system cue has been del... | |
02.24.1949 | counterspy poison peddler |
+ "The Case Of The Poison Peddler". Sponsored by: Pepsi-Cola. An underworld "king" has a strange la... | |
08.09.1949 | counterspy blackmailed hijacker |
+ "The Case Of The Blackmailed Hijacker". Sponsored by: Pepsi Cola. The system cue has been deleted... | |
08.11.1949 | counterspy murmured million |
+ "The Case Of The Murmured Millions". Sponsored by: Pepsi Cola. A seashore rendezvous between two ... | |
08.16.1949 | counterspy statue of death |
+ "The Case Of The Statue Of Death". Sponsored by: Pepsi Cola. An electric eye is outsmarted. A gif... | |
08.18.1949 | counterspy desert explosion |
+ "The Case Of The Desert Explosion". Sponsored by: Pepsi Cola. Man-eating birds of prey are used t... | |
08.23.1949 | counterspy bouncing bank robber |
+ Carol La Point has been strangled to death in her boarding house. Evidence points to a submariner... | |
N/A | counterspy maisie the barfly | ||
N/A | counterspy flanagan sisters corn syrup company coverup | ||
N/A | flanagan sisters corn syrup company coverup |
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