Title | : | versatile acting |
Air Date | : | 10.06.1940 |
Plot | : | +Blue Network. An interview with Charlie Cantor, dialect radio actor, who speaks in several accents and tells jokes. He's been in radio 11 years and was in vaudeville before that. Oddities in radio: Mark Hawley was forced to do a commercial in falsetto. What happened when the lights went out while Frank Black was conducting the NBC orchestra on the air. The food habits of radio stars: Leo Linderman (owner of "Lindy's") tells all. J. Edgar Hoover eats raw meat! How a cab driver became a successful radio and show writer: Eddie Davis tells his story. Al Newman (radio editor of "Newsweek") answers questions from listeners: How does a sponsor tell if is program is popular? What exactly is a soap opera? What is a "stooge" and how did the word originate? How a radio broadcast saved the life of a great football star (Ken Strong of the New York Giants). The program ends early and the closing theme is extended. |
File | : | Behind The Mike 40-10-06 (04) Versatile Acting.mp3 |
File Size | : | 54.14Mb |
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