In July 23, 1937, Mutual Broadcasting System aired a half-hour radio adaptation of Victor Hugo’s novel entitled Les Miserables. The story revolves around the efforts of a former prisoner named Jean Valjean in bringing back his honor. The story also includes the explanations of different things about such as the Parisian architecture, France’s history, justice, law, and more-- anything relevant to Valjean’s goal. Throughout the course of the show, Orson Welles, the show’s director and host, used “I” in telling the story on all episodes. By the 3rd of September 1937, the Les Miserables had its goodbye, after having a total of 7 episodes.
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Please enjoy these 7 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
07.23.1937 | the bishop |
+ Program #1. "The Bishop". A series of seven half hour programs produced for Mutual in July of 19... | |
07.30.1937 | javert |
+ Program #2. "Javier". Javert is the 2nd of 7 broadcasts based on the Victor Hugo novel Les Miser... | |
08.06.1937 | the trial |
+ Program #3. "The Trial". This series of seven half hour programs feature Orson Welles directing ... | |
08.13.1937 | cosette |
+ Program #4. "Cosette". Cosette is the 4th of 7 broadcasts based on the Victor Hugo novel Les Mis... | |
08.20.1937 | the grave |
+ Program #5. "The Grave". The Grave is the 5th of 7 broadcasts based on the Victor Hugo novel Les... | |
08.27.1937 | the barricade |
+ Program #6. "The Barricade". The Barricade is the 6th of 7 broadcasts based on the Victor Hugo n... | |
09.03.1937 | the final episode |
+ Program #7. A synopsis of the whole story plus the conclusion. The Final Episode as the title su... |
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