+ Created by Erle Stanley Gardner of Perry Mason fame, A Life In Your Hands aired between 1949 and 1952. A Life In Your Hands, written by the great Earle Stanley Gardiner, provides the listener with both sides of a murder case. The view is unbiased, and facilitated by the fictitious truth seeker Jonathan Kegg. Questions and answers from both sides, interviews with witnesses, police, etc., giving you, the listener, a chance to make your own conclusions. Earle Stanley Gardiner was not only an attorney, but one of America's most prolific writers. Many of his books became old time radio shows as well as TV shows. Being an attorney himself he could really describe the drama of the courtroom and our legal system. Any detective/mystery fan is going to like this one. A Life In Your Hands ran from 1949-1952. The main character in this old time radio courtroom drama, Jonathon Kegg, represents neither side. His unbiased narration is only there to help you, the listener make the right decision based only on the facts of the case. Sponsored by Raleigh Cigarettes. There were only 12 episodes produced. Click here to read more about Life In Your Hands, A
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Please enjoy these 4 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
06.27.1950 | a life in your hands carol carson murdered | ||
08.29.1950 | a life in your hands a judge is shot |
+ Was the window open, was that check forged, did you hear the shot? Listen now to A Life In Your Ha... | |
07.24.1952 | a life in your hands eddie phillips, escaped killer |
+ Where was the gun, were there two shots and who ran through the hall? Listen while we place a life... | |
N/A | a life in your hands (xx) truck engine murder |
+ Bart Clayton is in the building business and plans on running Jack Lawrie out of business by makin... |
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