Title | : | abraham lincoln the war years |
Air Date | : | 02.12.1941 |
Plot | : | + Red net. "Abraham Lincoln: The War Years". The program uses local talent from "The Little Theatre Group" in Wilmington, Delaware, from where the show originates. The script was used previously on "The Cavalcade Of America" on February 13, 1940 and subsequently on February 9, 1942. Abraham Lincoln – The War Years is an original radio play written specially for the Cavalcade of America by Robert E. Sherwood.It is based upon the story Abraham Lincoln – The War Years written by Carl This story looks back to one man who above all others epitomises the American character.An original radio play for Cavalcade of America by Robert E SherwoodBased on Carl Sandburg’s novel, Abraham Lincoln, The War Years. |
File | : | abraham_lincoln_the_war_years-1941-02-12.mp3 |
File Size | : | 6.01Mb |
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