Spoiler :
This is an excellent program that was broadcast by Mutual as a sustained program beginning in 1944. Featuring top writers, and actors. Program dramatizes stories on famous people and historical events. Most surviving programs are from AFRS discs.
Spoiler :
I remember in the mid-to-late 1950s, on a local television channel in Minneapolis (not network affiliated) there was a show- or time-filler, actually, of short narrations titled "This Is The Story" accompanied by drawn illustrations shown like a filmstrip, with no animation. They must have been only a few short minutes long, each, and purported to be telling the true story of events in history, the lives of famous figures, or the origin stories of popular games, or customs, or whatever. I've always wondered about the series, and if any of it survives. Is this radio show basically the same thing without the visuals? Did anybody take these radio narrations and illustrate them, slide-show style, for television?
Griffith P Torres
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