The Breakfast Club was a morning variety show that aired on NBC (and later ABC) for 35 1/2 years, from June 23, 1933 to December 27, 1968. Hosted by Don McNeil, the show earned its reputation as the most “unrehearsed” program, after McNeil decided to drop off the script to become spontaneous in hosting. Because of that, more listeners became interested on the show, Cream of Wheat offered sponsorship, and guest celebrities got better. Apart from McNeil, other regulars in the show included Patsy Lee, Johnny Desmond, Marion Mann, Alice Lon, and the stars of Fibber McGee and Molly Jim and Marion Jordan. This show also had its television version which aired in 1950, entitled Don McNeill’s TV Club. Click here to read more about Breakfast Club
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Please enjoy these 34 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
06.22.1953 | 20th anniversary special evening broadcast ep01of02 |
+ Sponsored by: Swift's Meats. The program originates from Racine, Wisconsin. The story of how ann... | |
06.22.1953 | 20th anniversary special evening broadcast ep02of02 |
Sponsored by: Swift's Meats. The program originates from Racine, Wisconsin. The story of how annou... | |
12.08.1941 | britain declares war on japan |
+ Blue Net Pearl Harbor Coverage. Part 43. 9:00 to 10:00 A. M. The first tune is "I Got Swing For ... | |
N/A | champion babysitter |
+ ABC net origination, AFRTS rebroadcast. The program originates from The College Inn Porterhouse, T... | |
09.06.1960 | christmas show taped for afrs |
+ ABC net origination, AFRTS rebroadcast. A Christmas program, recorded earlier, for broadcast on Ch... | |
N/A | from the hotel sherman |
+ ABC net origination, AFRTS rebroadcast. The program originates from the College Inn Porter House i... | |
04.28.1958 | guest bob hope | ||
06.21.1945 | guest curley bradley |
+ Sponsored by: Swift's Meats. Don McNeill with audience members. Curley Bradley demonstrates a cr... | |
12.27.1968 | last episode |
+ ABC Entertainment net. Participating sponsors. The last show of the series, after more than 35 yea... | |
06.22.1945 | louisiana lark |
+ Sponsored by: Swift's Meats. The program originates from Racine, Wisconsin. The story of how anno... | |
N/A | 1st song everybody loves my baby | ||
N/A | 1st song nickelodeon rag | ||
N/A | 5000 reporters in town | ||
N/A | born in a cemetery | ||
N/A | college park georgia skit second half | ||
N/A | dick has strep throat | ||
N/A | don arrives late to show | ||
N/A | don mcneill is on vacation | ||
N/A | first song dream your troubles away | ||
N/A | first song live til i die | ||
N/A | guest emmett kelly | ||
N/A | guests from northbrook | ||
N/A | gulf coast | ||
N/A | high school senior classes | ||
N/A | ike chase |
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