This amusing mock trial was a kind of reality-show broadcast from 1943 from WOR in New York. The broadcast offers a fee-free mediation service from before a New York Rabbi, priest, and president of Adelphi College and announcer.
In the first case: In the broadcast a disgruntled wife pleads her case that her husband is a deadbeat
After 24 years of marriage, she "smells a rat" after a letter comes her her home saying her husband is married to another woman. The man explains he was 17-year old sailor at the time and he is "married to no one." He claims his wife is a "know it all" "independent" who "thinks she is bigger than she is." He'll marry her when "she gets off the horse she's riding".
In the second case: the disgruntled wife of a a convicted felon (arrested 13 times) with "two strikes against him" wants her husband to get a job without telling them about his "criminal record". He is advised to get a menial job.
In the third case, a sister complains her sisters' husband gambles his money away, but then asks her family for money; she justifies that her husband "loves her and the feeling is mutual." Her husband makes long distance calls to tell her he loves her, (but her sister has to pay for the long distances calls). Click here to read more about A L Alexanders Board Of Mediation
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Please enjoy these 1 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
06.28.1943 | wife walks out of studio |
In Case #13486: the husband starts yelling during a marital dispute and walks out of the studio! The... |
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