Title | : | domestic conditions world laude sion |
Air Date | : | 02.06.1944 |
Plot | : | +Program #6 of 16. "One Lord, One World: The Domestic Conditions Of World Peace". The program is produced in co-operation with The National Council Of Catholic Men. The first hymn is by St. Thomas, set to music by Mendelssohn. Monsignor Sheen says, "God did not found the Chamber of Commerce, the C. I. O, or the National League." "Behind every delinquent youth is a delinquent parent." "The price of working in a defense plant is too high when it costs the integrity and decency of the next generation." "The war's greatest casualty, so far, is the American home." |
File | : | domestic_conditions_world_laude_sion-1944-02-06.mp3 |
File Size | : | 6.82Mb |
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