+ Information Please was an American radio quiz show, created by Dan Golenpaul, which aired on NBC from May 17, 1938 to April 22, 1951. The title was the contemporary phrase used to request from telephone operators what was then called "information" but is now called "directory assistance". The series was moderated by Clifton Fadiman. A panel of experts would attempt to answer questions submitted by listeners. For the first few shows, a listener was paid two dollars for a question that was used, and five dollars more if the experts could not answer it correctly. When the show got its first sponsor (Canada Dry), the total amounts were increased to five and ten dollars respectively. A complete Encyclopaedia Britannica was later added to the prize for questions that stumped the panel. The amounts went up to ten and twenty-five dollars when Lucky Strike took over sponsorship of the program.-WikiPedia Click here to read more about Information Please
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Please enjoy these 230 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
11.01.1943 | bette smith |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "What was the significance of each of these slogans?" | |
11.08.1943 | senator lester hill and senator joseph ball |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. A poem by Franklin P. Adams is read. The first question is, "What would be t... | |
11.15.1943 | gregory ratoff |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "These anniversaries all occurred in the month of Nov... | |
11.22.1943 | russell krause and moss hart |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "In each of the following groups of three, one item d... | |
11.29.1943 | arturo rubenstein |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "Identify these painers." | |
12.06.1943 | louis brown and sinclair lewis |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "What melodramatic event, commemorated in verse, happ... | |
12.13.1943 | quincy howe and dr t s choong |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The program has been named by Motion Picture Daily, the best quiz show. The ... | |
12.20.1943 | jesse stewart and oscar levant |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "If somebody sent you the gift suggested by each of t... | |
12.27.1943 | leon henderson and jan struther |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The program begins with an announcement by Mr. Fadiman that the steel strike... | |
01.03.1944 | louis bromfield |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "What comic character is brought to mind by these aut... | |
01.10.1944 | christopher morley and rep john f coffee |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "What were the circumstances that prompted the writin... | |
01.17.1944 | john p marquand |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "What event in the news is suggested by each of these... | |
01.24.1944 | elizabeth janeway and deems taylor |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "Where in poetry or song do you find these color comb... | |
02.28.1944 | franchot tone |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "What beauty treatment is suggested by each of these ... | |
03.13.1944 | guest quenton reynolds | ||
03.20.1944 | senator alban barcley and senator theodore green |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "With your eyes closed, describe the color or pattern... | |
06.12.1944 | guest admiral emory land |
+ The first question is, "What is the obligatory first action when a Moslem enters a mosque?" | |
09.11.1944 | alexander knox and jan struther |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first show of the season. News: Allied troops have entered Germany. The ... | |
10.23.1944 | arturo rubenstein and louis brown |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "In what city or country would a G. I. find himself i... | |
11.06.1944 | christopher morley and will durant |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "What advice follows these words?" News bulletins are... | |
11.27.1944 | guests leonard bernstein gregory ratoff | ||
12.18.1944 | guests john mason brown robert cushman murphy | ||
12.25.1944 | fred allen and james wallace |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "Who made the following classic remarks, and what was... | |
01.29.1945 | jan struther and russell krause |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "Identify these quotations that include that word "Do... | |
02.05.1945 | clifton webb and moss hart |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "Suppose each of the following animals had preceded y... |
Other "Quiz" Shows you may enjoy:
- Word Detective with Basil Rathbone
- Frank bucks jungle quiz
- College Quiz Bowl
- Rate your mate
- Listen to grandma
Sam Ludu
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