+ Information Please was an American radio quiz show, created by Dan Golenpaul, which aired on NBC from May 17, 1938 to April 22, 1951. The title was the contemporary phrase used to request from telephone operators what was then called "information" but is now called "directory assistance". The series was moderated by Clifton Fadiman. A panel of experts would attempt to answer questions submitted by listeners. For the first few shows, a listener was paid two dollars for a question that was used, and five dollars more if the experts could not answer it correctly. When the show got its first sponsor (Canada Dry), the total amounts were increased to five and ten dollars respectively. A complete Encyclopaedia Britannica was later added to the prize for questions that stumped the panel. The amounts went up to ten and twenty-five dollars when Lucky Strike took over sponsorship of the program.-WikiPedia Click here to read more about Information Please
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Please enjoy these 230 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
10.08.1940 | jan struther and louis bromfield |
+ Blue Network. Sponsored by: Canada Dry. The first question is, "What Mother Goose character jumped... | |
10.15.1940 | louis hacker |
+ Blue Network. Sponsored by: Canada Dry. The first question is, "In what states did these three lad... | |
10.22.1940 | deems taylor and herbert bayard swope of the waldorf astoria hotel |
+ Blue Network. Sponsored by: Canada Dry. The first question is, "What common action was taken by th... | |
10.29.1940 | john mason brown |
+ Blue Network. Sponsored by: Canada Dry. The first question is, "Each of these phrases is the answe... | |
11.05.1940 | christopher morley |
+ Blue Network. Sponsored by: Canada Dry. The first question is, "Who proposed to whom in the follow... | |
11.15.1940 | fred allen |
+ Blue Network. Sponsored by: Lucky Strike (first time sponsorship). 8:30 P. M. The first question i... | |
11.22.1940 | warden louis e law and deems taylor |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. 8:30 P. M. The first question is, "What is sold at these prices in li... | |
11.29.1940 | leon henderson |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Finish these sports cliches..." | |
12.06.1940 | elmer rice and jan struther |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "In Mother Goose, who broke an all time field ... | |
12.13.1940 | professor ernest albert puton |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "What is the specific verb used to describe th... | |
12.20.1940 | louis bromfield and herbert marshall |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Name a prominent world statesman well-known f... | |
12.27.1940 | walter edmonds |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Quote two songs or nursery rhymes that enumer... | |
01.03.1941 | deems taylor and vincent sheehan |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Name the characters of literature whose costu... | |
01.10.1941 | judge james c wallace and kenneth simpson |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "What event made the headlines on each of the ... | |
01.17.1941 | owen davis |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Name a famous actress known for her beautiful... | |
01.24.1941 | boris karloff and warden lewis e laws |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "What would you be likely to eat at dinner wit... | |
01.31.1941 | alexander wolcott and s j perleman |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Here are some characteristic excerpts from th... | |
02.07.1941 | jan struther and sir wilmot lewis |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Which Jack in Mother Goose might be called a ... | |
02.14.1941 | deems taylor and dr henry noble mccracken |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Name four college presidents or deans that "m... | |
02.21.1941 | jo davidson |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Can you give four popular bits of advice in w... | |
02.28.1941 | john ohara and deems taylor |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "What is the name of the column written by H. ... | |
03.07.1941 | christopher morley and elmer f slavin |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Identify a sports figure and an historical fi... | |
03.14.1941 | claude wickard |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Can you give any reason why Cuba would be an ... | |
03.21.1941 | roland young and deems taylor |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Complete these bits of nonsense verses." The ... | |
03.28.1941 | elsa lanchester |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "In what connection have you seen these words ... |
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- Can you top this
Sam Ludu
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