+ Information Please was an American radio quiz show, created by Dan Golenpaul, which aired on NBC from May 17, 1938 to April 22, 1951. The title was the contemporary phrase used to request from telephone operators what was then called "information" but is now called "directory assistance". The series was moderated by Clifton Fadiman. A panel of experts would attempt to answer questions submitted by listeners. For the first few shows, a listener was paid two dollars for a question that was used, and five dollars more if the experts could not answer it correctly. When the show got its first sponsor (Canada Dry), the total amounts were increased to five and ten dollars respectively. A complete Encyclopaedia Britannica was later added to the prize for questions that stumped the panel. The amounts went up to ten and twenty-five dollars when Lucky Strike took over sponsorship of the program.-WikiPedia Click here to read more about Information Please
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Please enjoy these 230 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
06.13.1941 | william tilden |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Where in fact or fiction does a man kill a li... | |
12.27.1938 | william lyon phelps |
+ Blue Network. Sponsored by: Canada Dry. The first question is, "We're going to play...five songs, ... | |
12.11.1942 | william l shirer |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. For the third consecutive year, "Information Please" has been named "... | |
03.01.1943 | will rogers jr |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The broadcast originates from Constitution Hall, Washington, D. C. as a Red ... | |
01.08.1943 | will rogers jr |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The broadcast originates from The Academy Of Music, Philadelphia, as ... | |
06.27.1939 | wilber cross |
+ Blue Network. Sponsored by: Canada Dry. The first question is, "The following gentlemen were the "... | |
04.12.1943 | wendell willkie |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The broadcast originates from Bushnell Memorial Auditorium, Hartford, Connec... | |
11.22.1940 | warden louis e law and deems taylor |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. 8:30 P. M. The first question is, "What is sold at these prices in li... | |
06.28.1943 | walter youst |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "What well-known work of fiction has this Chicago loc... | |
08.20.1940 | walter wanger |
+ Blue Network. Sponsored by: Canada Dry. The first question is, "Complete the lines from poetry or ... | |
12.27.1940 | walter edmonds |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Quote two songs or nursery rhymes that enumer... | |
12.12.1939 | walter b pitkin |
+ Blue Network. Sponsored by: Canada Dry. The first question is, "Name the recent news stories sugge... | |
03.27.1942 | wallace r dual |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "What word means scraps of waste materials and... | |
03.14.1943 | w levant hillary saint and george saunders |
+ A new type of question and answer game in which the public quiz the professionals. The public are ... | |
02.07.1939 | university of michigan student myron wallace |
+ Blue Network. Sponsored by: Canada Dry. The radio editors of the U. S. and Canada have voted the s... | |
07.19.1938 | thomas craven ben hecht |
+ Blue Network. Franklin P. Adams was in the hospital and not on the program. The first question is... | |
05.23.1941 | third anniversary show |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. 8:30 P. M. The third anniversary of the program. The first question i... | |
10.09.1942 | stump the experts |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "The following names are used in menus that ar... | |
09.19.1941 | stephen vincent bonet |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Which poets furnished the inspiration for the... | |
05.30.1939 | stanley walker |
+ Blue Network. Sponsored by: Canada Dry. The first question is, "Where did Simple Simon fish?" A ne... | |
05.31.1943 | sir thomas beecham |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. The first question is, "What plays took place in each of these places?" | |
09.26.1941 | sir thomas beecham and jan struther |
+ Sponsored by: Lucky Strike. The first question is, "Name the ruler who gained political power by ... | |
12.26.1939 | sir cedric hardwick |
+ Blue Network. Sponsored by: Canada Dry. The first question is, "Where would a travel agent infer t... | |
09.27.1938 | sigmund spaeth b rathbone |
+ Blue Network. The first question is, "What is the usual cliche said during a long spell of hot we... | |
11.08.1943 | senator lester hill and senator joseph ball |
+ Sponsored by: Heinz. A poem by Franklin P. Adams is read. The first question is, "What would be t... |
Other "Quiz" Shows you may enjoy:
- You win
- Hour of musical fun, the
- Kollege-of-musical-knowledge
- Dr IQ The Mental Banker
- Morning matinee
Sam Ludu
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