Aired in the 1950s, Planet Man radio show was a science fiction series produced by the Palladium Radio Productions. It told the story of Dantro, a planet man who came from an organization called the League of Planets, described as "the law enforcement body for peace and justice in the celestial world."
In the series, the headquarters for the operations of the said league was based on Planeria Rex. The League sends Dantro into the celestial world to fight or prevent any danger that may disturb the universe. Apart from the planet man Dantro, other important characters in the show were Dr. John Darrow, Engineer Slats, and Darrow's daughter Pat. All of them joined forces to fight villains like Marston, a Martian ruler who wanted to achieve interplanetary domination.
Although the episodes and their storylines were quite predictable, many listeners were still able to find the show funny and interesting. It became popular most especially in young listeners. Click here to read more about Planet Man
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Please enjoy these 76 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
N/A | episode 63 insect planet |
+ Program #63. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. In an attempt to rescue Dantro, a landing ... | |
N/A | episode 64 destroy the generator |
+ Program #64. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Dantro plans to destroy the generator. | |
N/A | episode 65 dantro frees prisoners |
+ Program #65. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Dantro frees the prisoners from their barr... | |
N/A | episode 66 fighting insect men |
+ Program #66. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Dantro vs. the Insect Men, a fight to the ... | |
N/A | episode 67 new adventure begins |
+ Program #67. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. The start of a new adventure. Who really i... | |
N/A | episode 68 a robot civilization |
+ Program #68. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Dantro and his friends become prisoners on... | |
N/A | episode 69 transporter to orientor |
+ Program #69. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. A ride on a transporter for Dantro and Sla... | |
N/A | episode 70 robot 012 takes over |
+ Program #70. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. It's, "The Day Of The Robot," by proclamat... | |
N/A | episode 71 who is robot t21 |
+ Program #71. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Dantro and Slats are prisoners of the robo... | |
N/A | episode 72 will t21 help dantro |
+ Program #72. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. T21 just might help Dantro in the coming b... | |
N/A | episode 73 slats looking for dantro |
+ Program #73. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Where is Dantro? Slats starts a search for... | |
N/A | episode 74 days before overthrow |
+ Program #74. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Plans for the overthrow of the robots cont... | |
N/A | episode 75 dantro and t21 joined |
+ Program #75. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Dantro's brain is joined with that of the ... | |
N/A | episode 76 can slats control jet |
+ Program #76. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Slats come close to losing control of the ... | |
N/A | episode 77 death coming closer |
+ Program #77. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Death for Dantro approaches. | |
N/A | episode 53 secret council |
+ Program #53. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Gaza, the Chief Scientist of the Mardi inv... | |
N/A | episode 54 firing squad |
+ Program #54. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Slats smells a rat. Back on Planeria Rex, ... | |
N/A | episode 55 trying to save judge |
+ Program #55. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Is Gaza is working with Marston? Dantro as... | |
N/A | episode 56 gaza talking to marston |
+ Program #56. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Slats still doesn't trust Gaza. He decides... | |
N/A | episode 57 dantro goes to alpha |
+ Program #57. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Slats, Dantro and Rura have triumphed over... | |
N/A | episode 58 barrows expedition |
+ Program #58. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Dantro and the robot Baro have left the Al... | |
N/A | episode 59 crash landing |
+ Program #59. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Dantro and the robot Baro crash-land on a ... | |
N/A | episode 60 space ship graveyard |
+ Program #60. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Slats tries to decide what to do from the ... | |
N/A | episode 61 slats headed for death |
+ Program #61. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Slats is in space, surrounded by hostile s... | |
N/A | episode 62 contacting the mardee |
+ Program #62. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. The insect-men are coming to the surface. ... |
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