Aired in the 1950s, Planet Man radio show was a science fiction series produced by the Palladium Radio Productions. It told the story of Dantro, a planet man who came from an organization called the League of Planets, described as "the law enforcement body for peace and justice in the celestial world."
In the series, the headquarters for the operations of the said league was based on Planeria Rex. The League sends Dantro into the celestial world to fight or prevent any danger that may disturb the universe. Apart from the planet man Dantro, other important characters in the show were Dr. John Darrow, Engineer Slats, and Darrow's daughter Pat. All of them joined forces to fight villains like Marston, a Martian ruler who wanted to achieve interplanetary domination.
Although the episodes and their storylines were quite predictable, many listeners were still able to find the show funny and interesting. It became popular most especially in young listeners. Click here to read more about Planet Man
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Please enjoy these 76 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
N/A | episode 53 secret council |
+ Program #53. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Gaza, the Chief Scientist of the Mardi inv... | |
N/A | episode 52 council denies request |
+ Program #52. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. A strange silent figure appears, and runs ... | |
N/A | episode 51 touring mardee |
+ Program #51. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. What will the council of the Mardi decide ... | |
N/A | episode 50 slats suspicious |
+ Program #50. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. One of the Mardi, in a holographic project... | |
N/A | episode 49 astrodrive broken |
+ Program #49. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. The space Alpha, stuck in hyper-space, con... | |
N/A | episode 48 klee will use dantro |
+ Program #48. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. The journey to visit Klee begins. Dantro's... | |
N/A | episode 47 must obey zen |
+ Program #47. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Trapped on the planet Torino, Dantro, the ... | |
N/A | episode 46 sulfur breather being |
+ Program #46. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Can the robot free the ship from this plan... | |
N/A | episode 45 beings from libra |
+ Program #45. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. The creature in the Alpha indicates he com... | |
N/A | episode 44 sun and toor watching |
+ Program #44. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Dantro and Slats communicate with the crea... | |
N/A | episode 43 encountering new race |
+ Program #43. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Dantro and Slats cruise through the solar ... | |
N/A | episode 42 hunt for the ancients |
+ Program #42. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Slats and Dantro consider using the Astral... | |
N/A | episode 41 marstons spy ring |
+ Program #41. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. What can Dantro do against Marston who has... | |
N/A | episode 40 marston has communicator |
+ Program #40. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Slats returns to Planeria Rex. Marston add... | |
N/A | episode 4 | ||
N/A | episode 39 slats tricks dantro |
+ Program #39. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Marston now has the power to change the or... | |
N/A | episode 38 slat is fed up |
+ Program #38. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Dantro has refused to show Marston how to ... | |
N/A | episode 37 dantro controlled |
+ Program #37. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Slats suspects that there's something wron... | |
N/A | episode 36 strange goings on |
+ Program #36. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Dantro is on Mars, on the trail of Marston... | |
N/A | episode 35 judges problem |
+ Program #35. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. What has happened to fifty-eight trusted m... | |
N/A | episode 34 where are the kids |
+ Program #34. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Dantro lands on Planeria Rex. Billy, Jane ... | |
N/A | episode 32 uranium on asteroid |
+ Program #32. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Blackie and Slick suspect that it's Planet... | |
N/A | episode 31 prospector finds billy |
+ Program #31. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. "Rocks," the prospector, finds Billy and J... | |
N/A | episode 30 planeteer spotted |
+ Program #30. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Billy and Jane continue to explore the ast... | |
N/A | episode 29 searching for planeteer |
+ Program #29. Palladium Radio Productions syndication. Billy is searching the asteroid for Dantro... |
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