Space Patrol is a science fiction-adventure series that first appeared as a TV series from 1950 to 1955 on ABC Television. The radio version was produced almost simultaneous with the TV version.
The radio series also ran from 1950 to 1955. The actors, writers, and director of the TV show were also the ones who worked in the radio adaptation. The series' main character was Buzz Corry, the Commander-in-Chief of the United Planets Space Patrol, who fights interplanetary monsters along with his partner Cadet Happy Osborn. Those characters were portrayed by Ed Kemmer and Lyn Osborn, respectively. Click here to read more about Space Patrol
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Please enjoy these 91 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
01.01.1955 | ambush in space |
+ "Ambush In Space". Meckor, "The Guardian Of The Galaxy" of Draxock, attacks Commander Corry and... | |
12.05.1953 | baccarrittis secret weapon |
+ "Bacaratti's Secret Weapon". Sponsored by: Ralston cereals ("Space Coins" premium), Test Pilot e... | |
11.08.1952 | city of the sun |
+ "The City Of The Sun". Sponsored by: Ralston Cereals (Space-O-Phone premium). Commander Corry an... | |
02.07.1953 | crash landing |
+ "Crash Landing". Sponsored by: Ralston cereals (Space Binoculars premium). Carol Karlyle, the da... | |
11.07.1953 | cyclone in outer space |
+ "Cyclone In Outer Space". Sponsored by: Ralston cereals (test pilot endorsement, Space Coins pre... | |
09.11.1954 | design for danger |
+ "Design For Disaster". Sponsored by: Ralston cereals. Commander Corry uses his "space periscope"... | |
12.18.1954 | escape from neptune |
+ "Escape From Neptune". Sponsored by: Space Patrol Adventure Stories Records. Laneen Harvey helps... | |
09.12.1953 | escape from planet x |
+ "Escape From Planet X". Sponsored by: Ralston cereals (Test Pilot endorsement). Commander Corry ... | |
10.23.1954 | forbidden planet |
+ ABC-TV net audio. Sponsored by: Nestle's chocolate. Commander Buzz Corry and Cadet Happy discover ... | |
08.21.1954 | formula for crime |
+ "Formula For Crime". Sponsored by: Ralston cereals. A woman scientist discovers a valuable psych... | |
10.25.1952 | hole in empty space |
Predating the scientific discovery of black holes, this Space Patrol broadcast tells the story of a ... | |
09.25.1954 | invasion from tirana |
+ "Invasion From Tyranna". Sponsored by: Ralston cereals (space periscope premium). The Space Patr... | |
12.04.1954 | invisible enemy |
+ "The Invisible Enemy". A battle with Rolfe Boger, a master criminal who can walk through walls,... | |
10.31.1953 | iron eaters of planet x |
+ "The Iron Eaters Of Planet X". Sponsored by: Ralston cereals (test pilot endorsement, "Name The ... | |
09.04.1954 | locating tyranna | ||
01.23.1954 | martian masquerade |
+ "The Martian Masquerade". Sponsored by: Ralston cereals ("Monoview Outer Space Helmet" premium).... | |
10.09.1954 | message to arctrona |
+ ABC net origination, AFRTS rebroadcast. "Message To Arctrona". An interstellar translator has been... | |
10.10.1953 | on the ice cap of planet x |
+ "On The Icecap Of Planet X". Sponsored by: Ralston cereals ("Name The Planet" contest, "Space Co... | |
08.15.1953 | peril over jupiter |
+ "Peril Over Jupiter". Sponsored by: Ralston cereals ("Space Patrol Microscope Kit" premium). Two... | |
11.20.1954 | planet in peril |
+ ABC net origination, AFRTS rebroadcast. "Planet In Peril". Commander Corry and Cadet Happy help th... | |
01.08.1955 | prison planet |
+ "Prison Planet". Sponsored by: Nestle's chocolate. Meckor of the Draxock galaxy uses flaming gui... | |
09.18.1954 | prisoners of tiranna |
+ "Prisoners Of Tyranna". Sponsored by: Ralston cereals (space periscope premium). Commander Corry... | |
11.15.1952 | queen of space |
+ "The Queen Of Space". Sponsored by: Ralston Cereals (Space-O-Phone premium). Jelna Fenton is the... | |
10.30.1954 | realm of the robot |
+ "The Realm Of The Robots". Sponsored by: Nestle's chocolate (model rocket cockpit premium). Comm... | |
10.17.1953 | rescue from planet x |
+ "Rescue From Planet X". Sponsored by: Ralston cereals ("Name The Planet" contest), Test Pilot en... |
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