+ The Green Valley Line was a syndicated radio drama from the 1930s. Told in 26 quarter hour parts, it tells the story of Bill Reed, the son of a wealthy railroad baron who comes to work for the Green Valley Line, a small western railroad that his father wants to buy out. His decision gains suspicion from locals who support the Green Valley Line as well as the condemnation of those who favor the acquisition as he's going against his father. His sincerity becomes clear and that's important when an injury to railroad superintendent Pop Harkness forces Bill into taking over as acting superintendent of the line. His father and his supporters are determined to take the line by hook or by crook. The daughter of the President of the railroad Carrie Graham initially despises Bill but then at the urging of Harkness becomes a friend and an eventually ally against Bill's father and her father who is backing the acquisition. There's much to like about this series. The business story of the Green Valley Line and Bill Reed's various clever maneuvers make for a solid entertainment with lots of twist. The story's weak spot is the predictable romantic subplot between Bill and Carrie. That it's predictable is not the problem, but Bill's blossoming feelings for Carrie leave him willing to quit his job as Superintendent and leave local investors who supported him in a lurch and allow his effort to fail. This doesn't make him look good in the eyes of listeners or of Carrie. The romance is pretty badly handled in the last few episodes which is a pretty sorry state of affairs given that the plot was so basic. The romance instead of adding to the story, became a detriment. Click here to read more about Green Valley Line, The
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Please enjoy these 26 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
N/A | episode 002 pops new assistant |
+Syndicated. Bill meets Carrie and it's hate at first sight! The Green Valley Line has a $160,000 mo... | |
N/A | episode 003 the mail contract |
+Syndicated. Bill has gotten a chance for the Green Valley Line to get a mail contract. In episode 3... | |
N/A | episode 004 the ol 1010 rolls again |
+Syndicated. Secret plans are being made for the mail run, but someone is listening! This is episode... | |
N/A | episode 005 the dinner party |
+Syndicated. The C. K. and W. makes another offer for the Green Valley Line, but preparations contin... | |
N/A | episode 006 race for the mail |
+Syndicated. The great train race begins, and the men of the C. K. and W. line plans to sabotage the... | |
N/A | episode 007 treachery on the rails |
+Syndicated. The pilot train arrives ahead of schedule, with the mail! Bill Reid has another surpris... | |
N/A | episode 008 victory |
+Syndicated. The Green Valley Line has won the race! Why does Carrie hate Bill so much? In episode 8... | |
N/A | episode 009 victory celebration |
+Syndicated. At the celebration dance, the entire town sings the "Green Valley Song." Carrie is jeal... | |
N/A | episode 010 tragedy strikes |
+Syndicated. Pop Harkness has been very badly hurt, fifty Green Valley Line workers are quitting, an... | |
N/A | episode 011 family matters |
+Syndicated. Carrie Graham goes against the wishes of her parents and goes to work for the Green Val... | |
N/A | episode 012 foul play |
+Syndicated. Mickey plans to make up for lost time with a new engineer, but there are still plenty o... | |
N/A | episode 013 spiders story |
+Syndicated. Bill is knocked out, and the dispatcher's office has been wrecked! Spider McGee, even t... | |
N/A | episode 014 a new hope |
+Syndicated. It looks like the C. K. and W. will take over the Green Valley Line tomorrow at the sto... | |
N/A | episode 015 shareholders showdown |
+Syndicated. Judge Merrick outfoxes Mr. Graham at the stockholder's meeting. It is the day set for t... | |
N/A | episode 016 a short vacation to danger |
+Syndicated. Mr. Graham tries to get into the railroad safe while Bill Reid and Judge Merrick are mi... | |
N/A | episode 017 escape |
+ Syndicated. Bill Reid and Judge Merrick escape from captivity and take a prisoner. There will be f... | |
N/A | episode 018 trouble in town |
+Syndicated. Judge Merrick confronts Mr. Graham and just barely prevents a riot. Carrie Graham is pl... | |
N/A | episode 019 cupid strikes |
+Syndicated. When Bill threatens to quit if Carrie leaves the Green Valley, Carrie changes her mind!... | |
N/A | episode 020 a new deal |
+Syndicated. Bill is worried about making the $70,000 mortgage payment. Having gotten over his senti... | |
N/A | episode 021 coded message |
+Syndicated. Bill plans to sell a half interest in the Fortuna gold mine to raise the $70,000. A cod... | |
N/A | episode 022 surprise visit |
+Syndicated. Bill's mother unexpectedly arrives from Japan. Bill comes up with some good news! A str... | |
N/A | episode 023 the fortuna mine |
+Syndicated. Plans for a midnight job with a pile of tailings. Keep your eye on Rufus Porter, the ne... | |
N/A | episode 024 love lost |
+Syndicated. Carrie sabotages Bill's plans to trick the C. K. and W. railroad, and Bill tells her th... | |
N/A | episode 025 love found |
+Syndicated. Bill Reid makes the mortgage payment and things are just fine with the railroad. Bill p... | |
N/A | episode 026 a new beginning |
+Syndicated. Secret wedding plans turn on to be common knowledge. Announced as the end of "the first... |
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