Produced, written, and directed by Arch Oboler himself, Arch Oboler's Plays was a radio anthology that aired on NBC Radio for one year, from March 25, 1939 to March 23 of the following year. Five years later, it was heard again, this time on Mutual, from April 5 to October 11, 1945. All stories featured in the show were original works of Arch Oboler, except maybe for two, which were adaptations. The series had 52 episodes in its run, and 26 in its second run. Each episode lasted for 30 minutes, and was broadcast every Saturday and Thursday evenings on NBC and Mutual, respectively. Click here to read more about Arch Oboler's Plays
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Please enjoy these 59 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
10.31.1964 | come to the bank | ||
11.07.1964 | immortal gentleman |
+ "The story was inspired by a line from Walt Whitman's 'Reconciliation' and deals with a youth who ... | |
11.14.1964 | big ben |
+ Syndicated, AFRTS rebroadcast. "Big Ben". A cranky mantel clock is the god a native chief prays to... | |
11.21.1964 | arch obolers plays (08) rocket from manhattan |
+ Program #22. Syndicated, AFRTS rebroadcast. "Rocket From Manhattan". The end of the world, with a ... | |
11.28.1964 | african story |
+ Syndicated, AFRTS rebroadcast. "African Story". An English Lord returns to Africa to commit murder... | |
12.12.1964 | bathysphere |
+ Syndicated, AFRTS rebroadcast. "Bathyshpere". Oboler introduces a story about a figurehead and a f... | |
12.19.1964 | arch obolers plays (12) mirage |
+ "Mirage". A good story about an old man who writes in the sand at night. He writes the dates on ... | |
12.26.1964 | him or me |
+ Syndicated, AFRTS rebroadcast. "Him Or Me". A battle to the death between a man and a rat. The p... | |
12.05.2064 | arch obolers plays (10) revolt of the worms |
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