Title | : | mysterious traveler (241) the man who tried to save lincoln |
Air Date | : | 02.07.1950 |
Plot | : | + "The Man Who Tried To Save Lincoln". A time travel story about an attempt to alter the present by preventing an assassination in the past. The same script was used on "Suspense" on February 11, 1962 (see cat. #473). February 12th, of course, is Abraham Lincoln's birthday, and April 14th is the anniversary of his death at the hands of an assassin. Many people have wondered what would have happened if Lincoln had not died that night. This story concerns two such people, and it begins in a small laboratory in a college in Pennsylvania with a heavyset middle-aged man tinkering with a maze of electronic apparatus. |
File | : | the_man_who_tried_to_save_lincoln-1950-02-07.mp3 |
File Size | : | 6.77Mb |
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