Title | : | the origin of superstition (02) throwing salt over shoulder |
Air Date | : | N/A |
Plot | : | + Program #2. Broadcasters Program Syndicate/Bruce Eells and Associates syndication. "Throwing Salt Over Your Shoulder". Sponsored by: . Probably originally syndicated by Transco. Appeasing the ancient gods of Babylonia. The series is possibly titled, "Superstition On The Air." The Origin of Superstition also known as Superstition On The Air produced playlets in the series planned to reveal the origin of superstitions. This one deals with the belief that throwing salt over your shoulder will counteract the supposed ill luck caused by the accidental spilling of salt. |
File | : | throwing_salt_over_shoulder-1935-xx-xx.mp3 |
File Size | : | 6.23Mb |
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