+ The story centered around Lee Masters, the blind FBI detective that solved crime in is own unique style. The series was one of many directed and produced by Gerrie van Wyk and was an original idea developed between Gerrie and Brian O'Shaughnessy. Gerrie later succeeded with another series entitled “Crisis Call”, and many Afrikaans serials for Springbok Radio, including the long running series “Oupa Jasper” and "Die Vlugteling". Research has shown that there were in fact 2 seasons of this series. The first season only lasted 28 episodes and was broadcast between July 1967 and February 1968 on Friday evenings. A second more successful season started in November 1969 and continued until September 1974 broadcast on Tuesday evenings. The series had 3 writers, with Brian O'Shaughnessy writing the most episodes. Brian also acted in many of the episodes. Tony Jay , who also wrote several episodes, played the lead role, Lee Masters. He was replaced in 1973 by Louis Ife, another writer who played Lee, until the end of the series in 1974. The music, including the opening theme music was composed specially for the series by Colin Campbell. Click here to read more about Sounds Of Darkness
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