"America Sings" was a popular radio show that was broadcast in the United States during the mid-20th century. The show was a choral music program that featured a mix of patriotic and popular songs, performed by a large choir and accompanied by a live orchestra.
The show was known for its distinctive sound, with the choir and orchestra performing together to create a rousing and uplifting musical experience for listeners. America Sings was popular with audiences of all ages and backgrounds and was considered a hallmark of American musical culture for many years.
In addition to its musical performances, America Sings was also known for its patriotic themes and messages, with many of its songs and musical numbers focusing on American history, values, and traditions. The show was often used as a way to promote national unity and to bring people together around a common set of beliefs and values.
Despite its popularity, America Sings eventually went off the air in the mid-20th century, although it has since been remembered and celebrated as a classic American radio show. Today, recordings of America Sings can still be found in archives and libraries, and its music continues to be enjoyed by generations of listeners.
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Please enjoy these 1 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
N/A | me and my shadow |
+ . The first tune is, "Me and My Shadow." A good show of this type, wartime. |
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