"The Air Force Hour" was a radio show produced by the United States Air Force during the 1940s and 1950s. The show was created as a way to educate the American public about the mission and activities of the Air Force, and to build public support for the military branch.
The Air Force Hour was a weekly radio program that featured a variety of segments, including interviews with Air Force personnel, musical performances, and discussions of current events and military-related topics. The show also included dramatized accounts of Air Force missions, which helped to bring to life the exciting and challenging work that Air Force personnel were engaged in both at home and abroad.
In addition to its educational and informational content, "The Air Force Hour" also served as a platform for the Air Force to showcase its pride and dedication. The program often included patriotic themes and messages of support for the men and women of the Air Force, and helped to build a strong sense of community among those who served.
"The Air Force Hour" is considered an important piece of American history, and is remembered for its role in educating the public about the Air Force and building support for the military branch. The show is also remembered for its innovative approach to radio programming, which helped to lay the foundation for future military-themed radio programs.
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Please enjoy these 4 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
06.03.1950 | triumph of old glory |
+ The program originates from St. Joseph, Missouri. The first tune is "Triumph Of Old Glory." The ... | |
06.03.1950 | triumph of old glory | ||
06.10.1950 | june is bustin out all over |
+ The program originates from the Bolling Air Force Base, Washington D. C. An all-Air Force musica... | |
06.10.1950 | june is bustin out all over |
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